Paulo Alfaro
Mrs. Meadows
Period F
March 2, 2011
Lance Armstrong
It’s Not About the Bike
This memoir is all about Lance Armstrong’s life. Lance Armstrong wrote this memoir in a way that shows every detail of his life, the hard time, the sad times, the good times.
This memoir is organized in a way that it starts you off from his early childhood and talking about his relationship with his mom and how strong it was. He goes on explaining about how his career as a cyclist started and all the triathlons he won.
Then tells us about how cancer almost ruined his career. Later on he tells us about how he won the Tour de France. He also talks about how he met his wife.
Lance Armstrong came to know about himself is that not every time things will go his way, that sometime things will try to hold you back, but you will have to keep on fighting.
I thought this memoir was very inspiring and I am sure it has made many teenagers to try sports and give it all they have. I loved how he explained little by little how he went growing up with his bikes and how he ended up being so famous by never quitting and giving it all he had. I also liked that he never stop talking about how grateful he was with what he had.
What Lance realized about himself at the end of this book was that everything he got through out his life, all the hard times of his career, and all good times he had, brought him to where he is now, a champion.
Lines I loved
1.) I made an acronym out of the word: Courage, Attitude, Never give up, Curability, and Remembrance of my fellow patients.
2.) I don’t do anything slow, not even breathe.