The Maycomb Daily Newspaper
Tom Robinson accused for rape: Tom Robinson, a local black resident from Maycomb has just ended trial with the conclusion that he is guilty for raping Mayella Ewell the year before. Atticus Finch, the lawyer defending Tom Robinson said: “It was useless to fight against the jury, to be honest, a black person will never beat a white person. It unfair but there is nothing else I can do.” The whole town of Maycomb (even blacks) and even people from other states went to see this memorable day. Bob Ewell, the father of Mayella, after the trial said: “If I were the jury, I would just hang Tom Robinson without even thinking it twice. He should be ashamed of raping my innocent daughter.” Now, soon, Tom Robinson has been put into jail until further notice.
Tom Robinson Dies in attempt to escape: “He probably did not have anything to live for, I mean he still was going to die.” One of the guards that witnessed the scene quoted. Tom Robinson’s life ended when he tried to escape prison by climbing up a fence. The guards shot him seventeen times. The witnesses say that he was a tad short from escaping the fence but he didn’t make it because he had only his right hand working because his left hand was useless. Many people are also questioning why would he do such a thing if he knew that it was a suicide mission. “He was obviously just trying to end his life, I guess, he was going to die.” Said another guard that was witness to the scene. This topic has been easily spreading out with many different sides to it.
Editorial: Tom Robinson’s death was not supposed to happen if it wasn’t for the unfair trial that concluded that Tom Robinson was guilty for raping Mayella Ewell.
During the trial, when Mayella was talking, you could clearly see that she was hesitating way too much and changing what she was saying frequently. This showed that she was most certainly lying that Tom tried to rape her.
I think when Tom Robinson was saying his side of the story; he was saying it with honesty because he did not even hesitate a bit and answered everything quickly. He knew what he was saying unlike Mayella.
Mrs. Dubose recently died at her early 60’s. Mrs. Dubose was taking a lot of medications and had become a huge morphine addict. Everybody knew her for her spiteful comments but really, this were because of her attempt to stop her addiction to morphine.
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